One Week Detox Diet Plan
Why Detox?
Everybody consumes harmful substances now and then, and some more than others. If you want to lose weight, feel sluggish and tired frequently, have trouble with constipation, and frequently suffer from stomach cramps, then the one-week detox plan may be right for you. As the detox clears out the body, most people experience an increase in energy levels and increased bowel movements. Since the body is eliminating larger amounts of waste matter, the colon and large intestines become cleaner. This makes for a healthier body.
The First Few Days
The first day of the detox diet consists of fresh fruit juice and vegetable juice. Use organic produce if possible. Any fruit or vegetable is good, but some suggestions are grapefruits, carrots, beets, lemons, cucumbers and leafy green vegetables. At least 3.2 pints of juice should be drunk a day. Water and tea is allowed, provided there are no sugars added.
The second day consists of potatoes. One and a half pounds of potatoes can be boiled and eaten in a variety of ways, such as soup, mashed potatoes or plain. Meals should have very little seasoning; suggestions for seasonings are dill, parsley or other green spices. No more than a few dashes of one seasoning should be used on each serving.
Middle of the Week
The meal for the third day is 7 ounces of brown rice, eaten every 2 hours. Along with the rice, you may have fruit juice or a fat-free soup consisting of vegetables. On day 4, all fruits except bananas can be eaten. At breakfast, a slice of bread may also be eaten. On day 5, a piece of bread and butter along with a boiled egg can be eaten for breakfast. 5.3 ounces of plain macaroni is your remaining meal of the day.
End of the Detox
On day 6, you are permitted a slice of bread and butter and one boiled egg for breakfast. Two pounds of fresh vegetables are eaten the rest of the day. On the seventh and final day, the same breakfast as before is allowed, along with a slice of cheese, a tomato and some onion slices. Lunch may be 3.5 ounces of roasted veal with 4.5 ounces of boiled potatoes. Dinner may consist of 3.5 ounces of fish, a small green salad and a slice of either whole wheat or rye bread.
During the Detox
During the one-week detox diet, you are permitted to drink 4.5 pints or more of mineral water per day, along with tea that has no added sugars or cream to it. This is not imperative, but water is important during any detox. Moderate exercise is recommended, as well. If followed directly, this plan will allow you to lose one pound every day.