15-Day Detox

Although the human body does a sufficient job of removing toxins on its own, cleansing the body can sometimes significantly improve the health of any body. While there are many products out there to help you cleanse your system, there are some simple and natural ways to cleanse your body, which should be followed by making a few adjustments to your current lifestyle. By following these simple steps, you should have a cleaner, happier body in just 15 days. As always, talk with your doctor before beginning any detox program on your own.
  1. Cleanse Internal Organs

    • A proper detox begins by cleansing your internal organs. This includes your colon, liver and blood. It is recommended that you begin with a colon cleanse to prevent toxins later cleansed from the body from being recycled back into your system.

      To cleanse your colon, start by taking an herbal supplement, such as bentonite or flaxseed, to help loosen the toxins lining your colon walls. Psyllium is another popular supplement. After loosening and removing the toxins in the colon, follow up with probiotics to replace the friendly population of bacteria necessary for healthy functioning.

      The liver is commonly cleansed through the use of herbal supplements, such as milk thistle, vitamin C, the B vitamins, selenium, vitamin E or beta carotene. Talk to your doctor to determine what form of liver detox is safe for you.

      Cleansing your blood is often done through a kidney cleanse, since that is the organ that filters the blood before returning it to the rest of the body. This can be as simple as eating healthier and drinking more water. Juice fasts are another healthy and popular form of kidney cleansing. Herbal teas and supplements have also been found to be effective in cleansing your kidneys. Once again, discuss options with your doctor before beginning any form of cleanse.


    • Fasting is one of the oldest and well-known methods of detoxification known to man and can speed up a body cleanse. Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his book "Fasting and Eating for Health," says, "The fast does not merely detoxify; it also breaks down superfluous tissue--fat, abnormal cells, atheromatous plaque and tumors--and releases diseased tissues and their cellular products into the circulation for elimination. Toxic or unwanted materials circulate in our bloodstream and lymphatic tissues, and are deposited in and released from our fat stores and other tissues. An important element of fasting detoxification is mobilizing the toxins from their storage areas."

    Eating Habits to Cleanse

    • Drinking plenty of water and juice is effective in more ways than one when attempting a cleanse. The most obvious is their helpfulness in carrying away unwanted toxins (that were mobilized during the fasting process) from the system and removing them from your body. They are also important in preventing dehydration during this process. Also, many juices contain sugars that can assist in speeding up your bowel movements. Juices can also be a good natural source of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy and keep its energy during the cleansing process.

      Because processed and cooked foods tend to create or add to the toxins in your colon, a cleanse consisting of mostly organic, raw fruits and vegetables is your best bet for cleaning out your system. Raw fruits and vegetables are very high in fiber, and eating fiber is possibly the safest way to remove unwanted toxins from your digestive tract. Also, fruits and vegetables contain the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that are necessary for a healthy body, so you won't feel weak or unwell as you're cleansing yourself. Eating organic fruits and vegetables prevents new toxins from being introduced into the body.

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