1 Day Body Detox

In one day, you can detoxify the body in beneficial ways. Detoxify promotes better health. It is considered a form of alternative medicine. Instead of drugs or surgery, the body is given an opportunity for self-healing. Detoxification is a method of treating the whole body. It is a cleansing method that removes wastes and toxins from all areas of the body. These toxins and wastes may cause diseases and life-threatening illnesses. Many methods of detoxification can be done on a daily basis. This internally cleaning can be accomplished by improving the diet and drinking lots of fluids.
  1. Drinking 8 Glasses of Water

    • During the one-day detoxification, it is important to drink a large amount of fluids for best results. Water can flush away impurities and wastes, keep you hydrated and dilute any poisons in the body. The body requires a daily intake of water to perform the various functions that keep the systems in working order. Be sure to drink the water throughout the day.

    Doing a 1-Day Fast

    • A fast gives the body a chance to repair and clean itself. The human body is capable of self-healing, but this requires energy. As most of the body's resources are used for blood circulation, breathing and digestion, not much energy is left over for self healing. While you do not want the heart or the lungs to stop working, you can give the digestive system a vacation by not eating any food for a day. The body is then able to devote more energy to self-cleaning.

    Eating More Fiber

    • If you cannot go on a one-day fast due to prescription drugs that have to be taken with food or other health issues that demand food, then another option is to spend the day eating high-fiber foods. Fiber comes in the form of fruits and green vegetable. These nutrients can add more water to the body and also help to create large, loose stools. Having regular bowel movements is an excellent way to rid the body of toxic substances and wastes. If the fecal matter is not removed in due course, the wastes remain in the intestines and are reabsorbed by the body. Another good idea is to eat organic fruits and vegetables.While more expensive, organic foods are grown with far fewer chemicals so they are healthier for the body.

    Doing A Little Exercising

    • Exercising is another way to detoxify the body. Aerobic exercise burns fat by getting the heart pumping and the body sweating. Because most toxins are stored in fat cells, exercising reduces the amount of toxins in the body by burning fat. By building up a sweat, some toxins are released through the pores. If you are not up for aerobic exercise, yoga, stretching and just walking are also helpful in detoxifying the body. Any form of physical activity on this one-day detoxification gets the intestinal muscles moving and this can help a person to get rid of toxins with a bowel movement.

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