Quickest Detox

A detoxification--or detox--is meant to flush out unwanted toxins from the human body. Many detoxes exist to allegedly accomplish this goal. Some of them are meant to be carried out over the long term, while others are supposed to be performed over the course of only two or three days. The latter category includes the watermelon detox, which focuses primarily on two human organs critically essential to a successful detox: the liver and the kidneys.
  1. Day One

    • Obtain four or five large watermelons. Eat them throughout the day, and eat as much of them as you can. Don't eat anything else, though you can drink water. Try to consume at least two large watermelons completely over the course of the day. You will find that you have to urinate often--don't put this off. Your urine is where your kidneys and your liver send waste material. Kidney stones, or sand granules, are passed through urine. Don't try the rapid watermelon detox if you are a diabetic; in that case, you may want to simply drink water--at least 90 ounces a day--for the duration of your detox.

    Day Two

    • Consume at least two more watermelons over the course of the second day. Try not to eat anything else, though you can drink water. Again, make sure you are urinating regularly, thereby passing all waste material from your kidneys and your liver. You've now completed the two-day watermelon detox.

    Day Three and Beyond

    • The first step of your quick detox--the watermelon flush--is over, but continue your detox by adhering to a cleansing diet. Anything that contains sugar (check the ingredients for corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose or brown sugar) should be avoided---and that includes artificial sweeteners. Also avoid dairy products as a rule, including milk, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and yogurt. Grains that contain gluten, including wheat, barley and rye, should also be avoided. Fatty foods are obviously out when it comes to a cleanse, as is junk food in any quantity. Also avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

      All sorts of fruits and vegetables, whether frozen or fresh, are recommended for those attempting a detox. However, some vegetables are considered slightly more effective in moving the cleanse effort along. These include broccoli and broccoli sprouts, beets, red and green veggies, artichokes, cauliflower and garlic. Rice is a highly recommended grain, particularly brown rice. A natural detox diet can be improved by the inclusion of other grains as well, such as millet, buckwheat and amaranth. Kidney beans and pinto beans are great for such a diet, as are lentils, garbanzo beans and mung beans. Raw nuts and seeds are also recommended, except for peanuts and peanut butter.

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