Herbs That Will Clean a Colon
A variety of products on the market can cleanse the colon. Many herbal colon cleanses are ideally suited to aid individuals who want to use a natural product.
Aloe Leaf
Aloe commonly is thought of as a treatment for skin conditions. However, aloe also is used as an herb to cleanse the colon. What is known as aloe latex is found inside the plant's leaves. Ground aloe leaf latex is an effective herbal laxative that cleanses the colon.
Senna is an herb widely used to clean a colon. Senna contains anthraquinones, which are compounds that cause the colon to contract and lead to bowel movements. It should not be used daily but is suitable for occasional use as a colon cleanse.
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada is a gentle and yet strong and effective laxative that is widely utilized for colon cleansing. As is the case with senna, cascara sagrada includes anthraquinones. Again, these are compounds that cause contractions in the colon itself. These contractions increase the urge for a bowel movement. In addition, cascara sagrada strengthens the muscles of the colon. The net effect of this process is to assist in eliminating constipation.
Chinese Rhubarb
Chinese rhubarb contains both anthraquinones and tannins. Tannins are considered useful in resolving diarrhea. Additionally, tanins reduce inflamation in the colon.
Psyllium is widely used as an herbal remedy for a variety of reasons, including as a colon cleanse. Psyllium actually is used in a variety of the most widely used over-the-counter and prescription laxatives. Psyllium seeds and husks contain mucilage, which absorbs water in the digestive system. This process results in larger stools that cause the colon walls to contract, resulting in a cleansing bowel movement.