Uses for Apple Cider Vinager
The Facts
Vinegar come from a process called fermentation in which sugar is broken down by yeast and bacteria. The word means "sour wine" in French, and vinegar can be made from different types of fruits, vegetables and grains. Apple cider vinegar comes from the fermentation of apples. Vinegar has a high content of acid, and the main ingredient of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid.
According to Apple Cider Vinegar, only apple cider vinegar made from "double fermentation of whole apples" should be used. Other techniques sometimes used in combination with fermentation (such as distillation, filtration and pasteurization) destroy many important vitamins and nutrients vital to maximizing the vinegar's unique characteristics.
Apple cider vinegar has many confirmed medical uses. Apple cider vinegar can be useful in treating diabetes because of its ability to lower glucose levels. It is also used to treat high cholesterol and lower high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar is also recommended as an aid in treating cancer. Doctors have found that the vinegar may be able to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. Individuals should take either two teaspoons or 285-mg tablet of apple cider vinegar per day.
Besides its use to treat certain medical diseases listed above, apple cider vinegar also has the added benefit of being a weight-loss aid. Apple cider vinegar's weight-loss benefits have been known for thousands of years, and scientists believe that this is the result of its unique ability to make people feel full and satisfied.
Apple cider vinegar risks are low but still present. Because of its highly acidic quality, it should always be diluted with water. Pure apple cider vinegar can damage the esophagus as well as teeth enamel. Long-term or excessive use may also result in low potassium levels and osteoporosis. Individuals with diabetes should speak with their doctor because apple cider vinegar contains chromium and can interfere with insulin levels in some individuals.