Foods That Detox the Body Naturally
Fruits and Vegetables
The most important foods that help the body detox are fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants and vitamins. Organic produce is the best, as no added preservatives or pesticides are used. However, fresh produce will work well, as long as it is washed prior to ingesting. Leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce and kale can help detox the body quickly. Fruits and vegetables have the added benefit of being low in calories, so they can be eaten in abundance. Many people enjoy them raw or juiced.
Lemons help cleanse the body naturally. Vitamin C, a powerful detoxifying agent on its own, is the main vitamin found in lemons. Lemons help naturally detox the body by dissolving harmful toxins and substances, which in turn makes it less of a strain for the colon to expel them. They also help in jump-starting a person's digestive tract.
Garlic helps stimulate your liver into detoxifying. It also aids the body by activating the production of enzymes, in turn speeding up the detoxification process. Garlic is known for helping in the fight against cancer. It can be taken in pill form but is best if eaten raw. It can cooked and added to other foods, as well.
Although not actually a food, water is one of the most important parts of a natural detox. Water helps to oxygenate the blood, which forces out debris that is deposited into your bloodstream, to be removed by excretion. Green tea will help by stimulating the liver into cleansing itself better. Juices made from raw fruit as well as vegetable juices may be consumed on a daily basis.