Natural Products for Colon Cleansing

Cleansing the colon periodically is a healthy practice. The large intestines can sometimes be fraught with fecal residue containing yeast, toxins and parasites. Yeast and parasites rob the body of certain nutrients. If the fecal buildup is left untreated, these foreign substances can enter the bloodstream and take up residence in cells and vital organs. This can lead to many illnesses and diseases. Colon cleansing can be performed with natural products, such as foods and herbs.
  1. Raw Vegetables

    • Raw vegetables have high levels of vitamins and minerals that can protect healthy cells and rid the body of unbalanced (those with toxins and parasites) ones. They also contain natural digestive enzymes that can kill systemic yeast and parasites. It is best to mix vegetables as a juice in a blender. This can allow one to consume more vegetables than they ordinarily could during meals. Juicing also increases the body's absorption rate of the vitamins and minerals. Some common raw vegetables used in juicing include cucumbers, spinach, carrots, broccoli, radishes, kale, beets, parsley, wheat grass and garlic. Also, people can eat yams, corn, turnips, rhubarbs, lettuce, artichokes and other fresh vegetables.

    Fresh Fruits

    • One can also juice with fresh fruits. Like vegetables, fruits also contain high levels of vitamins and minerals that can foster healthy cell maintenance. Fruits also contain digestive enzymes, which can rid the body of foreign substances. They are also natural laxatives that keep the bowels regular. Some fruits that are used in colon cleansing include kiwi, mangoes, bananas, apples, oranges, pineapples, papaya, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, plums and raisins. Fruits can be mixed with vegetables or one can drink them as separate juices. They tend to sweeten any concoction of vegetables.


    • Cereals contain high levels of soluble fibers. They can be quite effective in cleansing a person's colon. Some cereals used for cleansing the colon are oat bran, oat meal and cereals that contain wheat, corn and rye. Watching the sugar content in cold cereals is recommended. People who have food allergies or systemic yeast need to stick to gluten and sugar-free cereals. There are plenty of brown rice cereals on the market. Oats are also relatively low in gluten and sugar.

    Nuts and Seeds

    • Nuts and seeds are another natural product that can cleanse the colon. They contain high levels of fiber. Raw and unprocessed nuts and seeds are most effective in colon cleansing. These include almonds, soy nuts and whole flax seeds. Also, macadamia, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, sunflower and sesame seeds and coconuts can be used to cleanse the large intestine.


    • Another natural product one can use to cleanse their colon are herbs. Herbs also kill systemic yeast and parasites. Following are some herbs that are effective colon cleansers: cayenne pepper, ginger, senna, Paul d'Arco, grape seed extract and aloe leaves. Additionally, aloe leaves can reduce the inflammation in the mucus membranes caused by yeast overgrowth.


    • It is important to drink a lot of water when cleansing the colon. This will help remove toxins and other impurities through the urinary tract.

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