Recipe for Master Cleanser
The Ingredients
The ingredients of the Master Cleanse detox are simple. To make the detox drink, mix together 1 tbsp. each of fresh lemon juice and Grade B maple syrup into 8 oz. of water, then add a dash or two of cayenne pepper. You can add more or less pepper to taste, but the more cayenne, the better. Buy organic maple syrup, which can be found online or in most health-food stores.
Drink the beverage---the staple of the cleanse---six to eight times per day. No other food is allowed on the Master Cleanse detox diet, but you are encouraged to drink as much additional water as possible to flush toxins out of your system. You'll find it easiest to mix up an entire day's worth of the Master Cleanse recipe in the morning, adding the cayenne to each glass just before drinking.
Salt Water Flush
The Master Cleanse also includes a salt water flush, which is the equivalent of an enema, upon awakening every day during the detox. Add 2 tsp. of non-iodized sea salt to 1 qt. of water, and shake well. Drink the mixture in one sitting. This is a natural laxative that within an hour or so should help clear out the debris and toxins that have accumulated in your body.
For optimal results, the Master Cleanse should be performed for 14 consecutive days. However, many people, particularly those who are new to fasting, will not be able to do the whole two weeks. If that's the case, try the detox and salt water flush for seven days.
Additional Information
You may drink laxative teas during the day to help eliminate the sluggish toxins from your colon. Do not add any sweeteners or milk, and make sure that the teas are caffeine-free. Some people finish off their detox with an enema to clean out their colon as efficiently as possible. Exercise---including walking and yoga---is also helpful during the detox.