Colon Flush Recipe

To keep the body in top physical condition, it must be cleansed regularly. Just as care is taken to remove dirt buildup from the outside of the body, so, too, must the inside of the body be cleaned. Cleansing the body from the inside out involves flushing out the toxins and excess waste that build up in the colon over time. If not removed, the waste and toxins can cause a variety of conditions, including colon cancer. Fortunately, a colon cleanse can be performed at home with a few simple ingredients.
  1. Clay Cleanse

    • Every colon cleanse recipe will begin with a water base. Pour eight ounces of filtered water into a glass. To the water, add one tablespoon of liquid bentonite and psyllium husk seed, available at your local health food store. Combine the mixture thoroughly until it is thick and the bentonite and seeds are evenly distributed. Drink the liquid quickly on an empty stomach. The clay in the drink will absorb the toxins in the system while the rough seeds will act like miniature scrub brushes to clean buildup from the intestinal walls.

    Follow-up Drink

    • Immediately after drinking a colon cleansing liquid that includes bentonite clay and psyllium husk, it is important to follow it with additional liquid. Although plain, filtered water can be used, adding a few ingredients can boost the cleansing effect. Into eight ounces of filtered water, mix one tablespoon of pure honey and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Do not substitute white, household vinegar. The additional water will help to keep the body hydrated, while the sugar from the honey will replenish the body's energy and the cider will add an extra cleansing effect.

    Lemon Drink

    • This colon cleanse recipe uses ingredients that can be obtained from a grocery store rather than a health food store. For this drink, begin with 10 ounces of filtered water. To the water, add two tablespoons each of pure maple syrup, lemon juice and Metamucil. Next, add a pinch, no more than one-eighth of a teaspoon, of cayenne pepper to the drink. Blend well and drink immediately. For optimal effects, take the cleanse first thing in the morning and just before bedtime.

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