The Best Colon Cleansers on the Market
Experiment to see which works best for you.
Psyllium Seed
Psyllium seed is sold in the bulk section of health food stores and when consumed by placing a tablespoon in eight ounces of liquid, will expand in the colon. This will help move waste out of the gastrointestinal tract (GI).
If you try it and find you are bloated and not able to easily have bowel movements, do not use it. Instead, slippery elm and ground flax seeds will be easier to use.
Use As Directed
Colon cleansers can be herbal teas labeled detox teas, liquid herbal elixirs, and tablets or capsules made from herbs and plants. It is possible to cleanse the colon by drinking teas containing burdock, yellow dock, buckthorn root and dandelion.
Do not exceed each colon cleanser product's directions. If you do, you may get diarrhea and feel dehydrated. If that occurs, stop taking the colon cleanser and drink liquids.
If you have a family medical history of irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, chronic constipation, colon cancer, diverticulosis or have any serious health issues, get medical clearance first. If you have an eating disorder, also see your doctor.
If you normally have only one bowel movement per week instead of daily, you may want to get a professional colonic to clear the colon of accumulated waste before doing a directed colon cleanse at home.