Weekly Liver Cleansing Diet Plans

There are several weekly liver diet plans that help cleanse and rejuvenate this important organ. The liver is responsible for detoxification, synthesizing protein and creating digestive juices for optimal waste elimination. All liver diets include the consumption of raw vegetables and ample water intake. If you are looking for a short diet, try the liver cleansing diet that can be completed in one week. Dr. Cabot's liver cleansing diet takes a bit longer at eight weeks. Either diet can be extended for longer-term liver health.
  1. One-Week Liver Cleansing Diet

    • This liver cleansing diet involves the consumption of whole grains, beans, raw fruits and vegetables. You must also drink lots of water to stay hydrated and aid in the elimination of toxins. You should choose foods low in saturated fats and sugars.

      For the first two days of the diet you are to lightly fast. Limit food intake to water, raw fruits and vegetables. After two days you may slowly bring more food into your diet excluding all red and lunch meats, processed foods, sugar, salt, fried foods, and stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, soda and cigarettes for the rest of the week. You may decide to continue this diet as a healthy lifestyle to keep your liver functioning properly.

    Dr. Cabot's Eight-Week Diet

    • Dr. Sandra Cabot focuses her diet on eating plentiful raw vegetables and fruits. Eat various foods that contain vitamin K, antioxidants, fatty acids and sulphur compounds for liver health. She recommends eating a wide variety of whole grains and beans, which are very beneficial to the liver. Eat only natural and organic food if possible. Dr. Cabot stresses that if you cannot afford/find organic food it will not ruin the diet, so do not become discouraged. Keep desserts and sugars down to an extreme minimum, but an occasional treat will help you stay motivated. As with any diet, it is essential to remain hydrated and consume a lot of water to flush toxins from the liver. Dr. Cabot's eight-week diet incorporates eating meals that follow these guidelines, which will result in a healthier, cleansed liver.

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