Whole Body Cleanse & Purification
The Importance of Detoxing and Purification
It is important to detox and cleanse the body because toxins, parasites and viruses can ultimately cause diseases or even death. Though it is important to cleanse the entire body, many toxins develop in the colon before they invade cells and tissues. A natural yeast-like fungus called candida often overproduces in the colon. This can be due to one's overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids and even poor dietary habits. Many people get palpable symptoms like migraines and gastritis. The bacteria in the colon fights this systemic yeast. As the yeast dies it emits toxins. If left untreated, toxins can enter the blood stream before ending up in various parts of the body. Yeast also provides a suitable environment for parasitic invasion as well.
Juicing & Fasting
Juicing can remove foreign substances and microorganisms from the entire body. Juicing simply involves mixing vegetables, fruits or a combination of the two in a blender and drinking them. Many people fast for several days while juicing to enhance the purification process. Fruits and vegetables have high levels of enzymes, which can help eliminate yeast and fight off foreign entities. f
Vegetables used in juicing include celery, carrots, parsley, radishes, garlic, kale and wheat grass. Fruits can include bananas, pineapples, kiwi and apples. Vegetables and fruits also contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which protect healthy cells and eliminate unbalanced or infected cells. Other foods that can cleanse the body include garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper and virgin coconut oil.
Herbs can also be used while juicing. There are a number of herbs that kill yeast and help purify the body. Some of these include senna, Paul d'arco tea, tree tea oil and senna.
Probiotics & Enzymes
Probiotics can add "friendly" bacteria to the digestive tract and colon. These flora can kill yeast and help eliminate toxins and parasites. Digestive enzymes also kill yeast and help the body better assimilate foods. They can also aid in the purification process. Both of these items can be purchased at health food stores.
Colon Cleanses
There are two types of colon cleanses: Powder colon cleanses and colon hydrotherapy (colonics). The powder formulas usually contain a mixture of foods and herbs, similar to the ones mentioned earlier. People usually stay on this type of colon cleanse for 2 to 4 weeks. Colonics involve flushing the large intestines with purified water. Water temperature can be raised to kill parasites. Varying the temperature can open the illeocecal valve and remove hard-to-reach toxins. Both methods aim to remove fecal impactions in the colon where yeast, toxins and parasites tend to congregate.
Ionic Foot Baths
Ionic foot baths cleanse the whole body and purify it. These machines use positive and negative ions to remove unbalanced cells, those containing foreign substances. These entities are then removed through the colon or urinary tract. However, the ionic foot baths also pull toxins into the water. You can tell which organs are being detoxed by the color. For example, orange represents a detoxification of certain joints.
Saunas & Massages
Saunas cleanse the body with heat. Cells that contain parasites, toxins and viruses do not survive as easily when exposed to higher temperatures. You can sweat these toxins out of the skin, or they are removed them through excretion.
Deep tissue massages can remove toxins in the muscles and lymph nodes. A massage therapist knows how to knead the muscles to force the toxins out. Colon irrigation is often recommended to eliminate these toxins. You can also use massage chairs which can simulate movements of an actual massage. However, these chairs can cost over $4,000.