How Uncomfortable Is a Colon Cleanse?
Constant Bowel Evacuation
One of the most difficult things with colon irrigation is getting used to the continuous flushing of the bowels. It can be likened to a bowel movement that lasts for 45 minutes. This can be a highly unpleasant feeling for most people, but you will eventually get used to it. After a few sessions, the treatments will be more relaxing. Powder cleanses do not have this effect. However, bowel movements may be more frequent and longer while using these cleanses.
Pain can be experienced with both types of cleanses. During colonic irrigation, water puts pressure on gas pockets in the large intestine. This can cause sharp pains in various areas at times. Also, those with higher toxin levels, such as recovering drug addicts, will normally experience more pain from colonics. Abdominal cramping is common with powder cleanses as well. The pain will diminish over time as you get used to your particular method of cleansing.
Nausea is a common complaint with those that do colonics. Often, this nausea is more common when you have eaten a meal or a significant amount of food before your treatment. Nausea can occur with either or the two cleansing methods. It is also a result of detoxing as the body eliminates harmful toxins and chemicals. This symptom can occur at any time for the duration of the colon cleanse. You can get nauseated a day or two after treatment or while out running errands. Carry peppermint candy to alleviate nausea.
Other Detox Symptoms
Besides nausea, you can experience flu-like symptoms with both colonics and powder colon cleanses. Again, these symptoms do not always occur during a colonics session, nor do you always experience them right after drinking a powder colon cleanse. You can feel extremely ill, feverish or fatigued; sweat profusely or even ache at any time. Chemotherapy would be the closest comparison. Symptoms from the colon cleansing will wane over time as more toxins leave the body. Realize this and stick with the treatment.
Diarrhea, Acid Reflux and Flatulence
People who do colonics do not usually get diarrhea. However, those who use the powders can get it at times. Their bodies may not be able to tolerate some of the herbs used during these treatments. Their bowels get irritated and they get diarrhea. One might also have sensitivities to one of the foods contained in the formula and, in turn, have diarrhea.
These same spicy herbs and the combination of many foods can also cause acid reflux or flatulence. One way to mitigate this symptom is to eat more-alkaline foods such as chicken breast, raw vegetables, almonds and fruits.
Most purveyors of colon cleansers will not divulge the negative aspects of their treatment.