Herbs That Clean Colon Plaque
Cleansing the colon to rid it of mucoid plaque is an idea that has been around a few years. The theory of mucoid plaque and the term itself seems to have originated with Richard Anderson, Naturopathy Doctor (ND). Dr. Anderson is the author of a book series, including "Cleanse & Purify Thyself."
A plaque buildup is said by proponents to be the origin of many diseases, including allergies, skin disorders, sluggishness or low energy levels. A variety of other diseases are reportedly diminished or prevented through a regimen of vitamin and herb supplementation in conjunction with healthy diet, good nutrition and internal cleansing. There is little, if any, scientific evidence to prove that cleansing the colon will rid the body of disease or cure any disease.
The following herbs are commonly found in colon cleansing regimens or "kits."
Alfalfa -- High in vitamins (especially A, K and D as well as calcium, iron and potassium) and minerals. Alfalfa offers eight essential amino acids, eight essential digestive enzymes.
Barberry Root -- Reportedly aids in the removal of plaque from the stomach and bowels by promoting bile flow.
Blue Violet Leaves -- These have traditionally been used for bronchitis and coughs as well as headaches. It is said they help the body eliminate excess mucus or plaque, and have been used for internal ulcers.
Buckthorn Bark -- Often used as a laxative.
Cascara Sagrada Bark -- Aids in cleansing the colon and is used as a laxative.
Chickweed -- Promotes regularity and reportedly dissolves plaque and excess fat. Some theories suggest it is an effective anti-cancer agent. It is said to purify the blood, thus promoting clear skin.
Mullein Leaf -- Reportedly loosens mucus or plaque so the body can dispel it. It has historically been used as a respiratory herb.
Peach Leaves -- Used as a laxative. It has sedative, expectorant and diuretic properties.
Psyllium Husks -- Used as an intestinal cleanser.
Pumpkin Seeds -- These have historically been used by holistic therapists, herbalists and naturalists to cleanse the body of parasites.
Kelp -- Rich in vitamins and minerals, kelp is well known as a powerhouse of nutrition. It is touted as a metabolism stimulant to burn up calories, a digestion aid, and plaque remover (from arteries, gall bladder and kidneys.)
Yellow Dock -- A rich source of iron that is used in a variety of homeopathic treatments for cancer, anemia and AIDS. It also reportedly stimulates the elimination of excess toxins.
Most colon cleanse rituals involve a period of fasting from unhealthy food and drink. Sometimes a small amount of bentonite clay is added to the cleansing program to assist in removing plaque. Proponents say that it adheres to the plaque, thus causing it to soften and loosen.
Studies have shown that people can become dependent upon laxatives. It is usually best to gain proper nutrition and normal elimination of toxins directly from diet and lifestyle changes, rather than using laxatives.
These statements regarding herbs and conditions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure disease.
Consult your health care provider prior to use if you are suffering from an illness or taking medications.