Step-by-Step At Home Colonic
Colonics involved placing water into the colon, or large intestine, to remove stored waste. The benefits are relief from irregularity, better digestion and being able to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals from the foods you consume. Probiotics establish friendly flora to keep digestion humming.
Before Colonic
Rather than do an at-home colonic after eating buffet meals for days, instead, plan to reduce heavy eating at least two to three days before you plan to do a colonic. You don't need to fast but the lighter your meals a few days before the colonic, the easier it will be to complete.
For example, reduce or avoid refined sugar, refined flour, fried foods or heavy protein. Cut back on very dry foods such as breads, popcorn or chips, too. These foods can be constipating as they are dry and baked.
Instead, eat lightly: fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and easily-digested, slushy foods. Consume soups, stews, teas and hydrate between meals.
Steps for a DIY Colonic
Use only new detox tools: sterilize the enema bag and tubing by washing with hot water and one teaspoon of bleach or hydrogen peroxide.
Use about 2 cups of filtered water per round of enemas: filtering the water removes harmful water-borne parasites such as giardia and heavy metals such as methylmercury, which has been linked to autoimmune disorders.
Dip the end of the tip of the enema tubing into a food-grade oil such as olive or canola oil and insert into the anus. Empty the contents of the enema slowly. Sit on the toilet to prompt bowel movements. Repeat for six to seven rounds.
Sterilize all detox tools and allow to dry before storing.
Helpful Additives
You can add half a cup of brewed organic coffee to the enema bag, or the same amount of organic aloe vera juice or a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar. Each liquid will help prompt bowel movements. Coffee helps the gall bladder release bile (hydrochloric acid) to improve digestion. Vinegar helps the body become more alkaline (eating a lot of red meat, makes the blood more acidic). Aloe vera juice helps mend irritated tissues in the colon.
Take probiotics such as acidophilus lactobacillus as supplements or by eating live culture yogurt. This will colonize the gut with friendly bacteria needed to keep candida, or yeast infections, at bay.