Food List for Candida Cleanse
What to Avoid
While on a Candida cleanse, foods that are high in fats and sugars should be avoided entirely. These include all processed foods. Instead, the diet should be comprised of natural foods without additional additives and preservatives. This is because Candida is a yeast that naturally feeds off of sugar. When there is too much sugar in the body, the yeast will feed off of it and continue to grow, resulting in the continued proliferation of Candida in the body.
Because they are mostly devoid of sugar and have a cleansing effect on the body, vegetables should comprise the largest food group of an individual on a Candida diet. Most vegetables can be eaten as much as one desires during the cleanse. There are a few exceptions. Vegetables that should be avoided include potatoes, corn and some winter squashes. These vegetables contain too much sugar. They should be avoided entirely the first week of the fast but can be eaten in small amounts after the initial week.
Proteins are the building-blocks that the body uses to repair itself. For this reason, it is essential for those on a Candida diet to eat foods high in protein. Proteins are available in a variety of sources, including meat, fish, nuts and eggs. Any fresh meats are allowed while on a Candida cleanse, but those that contain preservatives and added sugars, such as sausage, packaged lunch meats and hot dogs, should be avoided completely. Also, although milk and cheese are a good source of protein, all dairy products should be avoided on a Candida cleanse because of the possibility of introducing bacteria into the system.
While all fruits do have a certain amount of naturally-occurring sugars, many can be helpful when consumed on a Candida cleanse. Enzymes and antioxidants in the fruit will aid the body in restoring itself to health more quickly. However, because of the sugars in the fruit, no more than three servings should be eaten per day. It is best to choose fresh fruits, but frozen fruits are acceptable as well, as long as they do not contain added sugars. Avoid dried fruits and fruit juices entirely, as they have high concentrations of sugar that the Candida yeast can use to proliferate.