Gradual Detox
Knowing Why it Works
A detox cleanses the body, as well as the blood. The purpose of a detox is to remove the impurities that are found in the body's organs, mainly the liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys and colon. As more and more pollutants and toxins are absorbed into our body through the foods we eat, what we drink, the medicines we take and even the air we breathe, toxins can start to back up our systems. Detoxing the body gradually will start to stimulate the liver to get rid of the toxins in the body, as well as the colon and intestines. It will help to give you more energy as you begin to eat right and provide the body with the proper nutrients and vitamins it needs.
Beginning Your Detox
With a gradual detox, you can slowly rid your body of the bad things that have been put into it for years, even decades. Many people find that slowly cutting out the bad habits is the easiest way for them to detox. Start with the obvious, such as any drug or alcohol use and smoking. While these addictions may need professional help to overcome, it is possible to cut back on your own. Cut back on caffeine, including coffee and soda until you can function easily without your daily fix. Eliminate refined sugars, processed, fast and junk foods, artificial sweeteners, sugars and sweets. Choose healthy foods to eat, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and chicken and low fat snacks. Drink plenty of water every day to keep the body hydrated.
Supplements and Diets
There are many supplements that can be taken to help the body in its detox stage. Also, there are plenty of diets that promise wonderful detox results. However, these are generally used for a specific amount of time, unlike gradually detoxing your body. It can be beneficial to your health to take a fiber supplement to aid in digestion and to ensure your body gets the amount that it needs. The best detox is one that is approached slowly and wisely, so that the new habits stick with you for the rest of your life.