A Complete Body Cleanse
The Purpose of Cleansing
Everyday our bodies come into contact with hundreds of toxins in our food, water and air. A healthy body can detoxify itself of most of these, but no one is immune. Even newborn babies are showing increasing evidence of toxicity. According to MedPageToday.com, blood collected from the umbilical cords of 10 newborns showed evidence of contamination of 287 chemicals, two of which were banned in the 1970s.
A well-planned body cleansing regimen can help speed the elimination of toxins, strengthen various organ systems and improve overall energy and vitality. A body cleansing regimen is only one component of a healthy lifestyle and is most effective in conjunction with proper nutrition, regular exercise and other healthy choices.
Cleansing Products
Colon cleansing is the first step in most total body detox programs. Fiber regulates digestion and keeps the bowels moving, making it a vital component of any colon cleanse. Psyllium husks are a good fiber source, as are powders like Metamucil and Fiber Sure. Probiotic supplements balance intestinal flora and improve digestive health, while Epsom salt taken internally can act as an effective laxative.
Enemas are another way to stimulate and cleanse a toxic colon. Coffee enemas are among the most effective, and can be made by boiling two tbsps of regular store-bought coffee in one quart of distilled water for five minutes and cooling to room temperature.
The herbs parsley and cornsilk are helpful in cleansing the kidneys, as are supplements with diuretic properties like the B-complex vitamins. For liver detox, milk thistle and dandelion root are two of the most effective products available. Dandelion increases bile production, while milk thistle cleanses the liver and can help regenerate new cells in people with cirrhosis and other liver diseases.
Activities for Body Detox
Body cleansing products are an important part of a quality detox plan, but are by no means a magic bullet. For a truly effective cleanse, follow basic healthy lifestyle rules like eating healthy, exercising daily and getting eight or more hours of sleep each night.
Massage and acupressure can help improve circulation of lymph fluid and blood, making them good cleansing activities. Vigorous exercise and use of a sauna eliminate toxins via the skin, the body's largest organ. Exfoliation removes toxins and dead skin cells, while bathing in Epsom salts is especially helpful in drawing heavy metals out of the body.
Warnings and Precautions
Never attempt a home detox if you suffer from a serious medical condition or are currently ill. Some medications and supplements can have unintended interactions, so consult a doctor before starting a body cleanse.