Home Remedies for Cleansing Body Toxins
Drink Fluids
Fluids flush out the body. By drinking a lot of water, fruit juices, vegetable juices and herbal teas, a person is able to wash away the toxins and wastes in all the organs and tissues. The body requires fluids every day for its numerous functions. While some medical professionals recommend that everyone drink 64 ounces of fluids each day, other experts believe the amount of water needed should be proportionate to body weight. Drinking liquids also helps to reduce constipation. Having frequent bowel movements is one way to remove fecal matter and other wastes from the body.
Do More Exercise
Exercise helps to burn fat. This is important because toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body. By losing fat a person also loses toxins. Any type of physical exercise is helpful, but aerobic exercise offers extra benefits. When doing aerobic exercises like running, cycling, dancing or kickboxing, a person builds up a sweat. By sweating, the toxins are removed from the body through the pores. Exercising also gets the intestinal muscles moving, and this can facilitate bowel movements.
Go On a Fast
Many holistic practitioners recommend a fast as a way to remove toxins and clean the body. There are many types of fasts, but the most common one involves not eating and only drinking water. Some fasts allow herbal teas or juices or broth. A fast can last from one day to one month. A person can do a shorter fast on his own, but longer fasts of a few weeks or more need medical supervision. With no food being eaten, the body doesn't have to use energy for digestion. The energy is then used for self-cleaning and self-repair. Fasting can be beneficial for many people, but it is not the right choice for everyone. Anyone with concerns about fasting should consult with his physician. When first doing a fast, limit it to one to three days to see how your body reacts.