Is Colon Cleaning Safe?
Common concerns about colon cleansing include fear of pain while undergoing the treatment, depth of penetration of the tubes and risk of infection due to improperly sterilized equipment. Also, some side effects and allergic reactions may arise with the consumption of various herbs and supplements. Colon cleansing may also have an adverse affect on people with medical conditions such as diabetes.
Side Effects
Though colon cleansing does not directly cause side effects, re-absorption of toxins that have been flushed loose can occur and cause cramps, nausea and headache during the initial outflow. Once the outflow becomes steady, though, an increased level of energy and well-being is generally felt as the side effects subside. However, the herbs and supplements associated with colon cleansing may cause side effects when combined with other chemicals.
Laxative Addiction and Infection
Some colon cleansers that purge the body of mucus waste without engaging the muscles used to move food along the digestive tract may lead to long-term dependency. This may affect the balance of good bacteria in the colon and natural bowel functions. Infection may also occur after using improperly sterilized tubes during hydrotherapy or with therapies performed by non-licensed practitioner.
Medical Conditions
Since many colon cleansing laxatives contain dextrose, fructose or sucrose, people with diabetes must abstain from using them. People sufferring from inflammed appendix, fever and vomiting may not be able to cope with the stress of colon cleansing and the occurrence of frequent bowel movements. People with other medical conditions such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, severe or internal hemorrhoids, tumors in rectum or colon should avoid colon cleansing. Such cleansing should also be avoided by people with heart disease or kidney disease.
Safety Precautions
In order to get the most out of a colon cleanse and avoid undesirable side effects, follow safety precautions. Drink plenty of fluids to counter the water absorbed by laxatives and, thus, avoid dehydration. Also, avoid colon cleansers with chemicals that encourage addiction to laxatives. Refrain from prolonged use of laxatives which may wash out good bacteria that aid in absorbing nutrients. While using herbs and supplements, research and be aware of reactions that may occur when combined with other chemicals. Additionally, if you choose hydro colon cleansing, then be sure to have it done only under the administration of a professional. Make sure the treament is done with sterilized and disposable tubes and tips.