Home Colon Cleansing Methods
Fasting enables the digestive system to relax and pushes it to process the impurities that have been stuck inside the colon. One can stick to an easily digestible diet of fresh fruits and vegetable juices at timely intervals for best results. Rich in fiber, low in fat and easily distributed, these foods encourage toxins and wastes to be flushed out of the body.
Herbal Colon Cleansing
Herbal plants used in colon cleansing are of two groups: plants that stimulate bowel movements and metabolism, and plants that kill harmful bacteria and purify the colon. Cascara sagrada, aloe leaf, senna, cayenne pepper and ginger belong to the first group, while barberry, fennel and garlic belong to the second. These are generally taken in the form of pills or teas. It is advisable, however, to avoid pills since they are harder to absorb when compared with powders and liquids.
Probiotics are substances that help harness good bacteria in the colon, keeping the digestive system in balance and stimulating the immune system, thus inhibiting harmful bacteria and parasites in the intestines. Bananas, onions and garlic are some good sources of probiotics. Apart from these natural sources, there are supplements available over the counter, though care must be taken to purchase only products with special coatings that protect them from sterile and acidic environments.
Psyllium Husks
Psyllium fiber is extracted from husks of blond psyllium seeds. These fibers have the potential to retain water and are very effective in ridding the colon of unwanted wastes. Psyllium fiber usually is available in powder form, a quantity of which is mixed in water and consumed to stimulate bowel movements. Oat bran, a hemicellulose fiber, and apple pectin also provide great substitutes for psyllium.
Enema Detox
Enema detox is a popular colon cleansing option wherein water is pumped into the colon to flush the accumulated wastes. Magnesium oxide is a widely used agent in this regard. Mixed with an appropriate quantity of water and consumed, it helps cleanse the intestines of fecal matter and also promotes the growth of good bacteria by releasing large amounts of oxygen in the colon. Enema detoxes usually are available in stores as Milk of Magnesia in liquid form, a portion of which is added to a glass of water for intake. Bowel movements generally occur within thee to four hours of consumption.