About Liver Cleanse Recipes
The liver is the second-largest organ in the body, and is responsible for many life-sustaining bodily processes. The new health rage is to perform a liver cleanse to help rid the liver of excess toxins and by-products of normal metabolism. There are differing opinions as to the benefits of liver cleansing.-
Liver Function
To understand the theoretical benefits of a liver cleanse or detox diet, you must first understand the liver and how it works, There is no organ more important to healthy metabolism than the liver; linked to the digestive tract through a series of compact blood vessels, the liver takes ingredients in food from the digestive system and changes them into nutrients that the body uses: protein, fats and vitamins. The liver also stores sugars and vitamins so that these nutrients are available when the body needs them; converts iron into heme, the main oxygen-transporting molecule in red blood cells; and detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As you can see, the liver is responsible for a large portion of the body's metabolic function and natural cleansing system, so keeping it healthy is extremely important to our well-being.
Theory of Liver Cleansing
The liver is constantly working to break down the environmental toxins that we are exposed to in our daily lives as well as the body's normal metabolic function. As the liver becomes "clogged" with a buildup of by-products, it is unable to perform to the best benefit of the body. Proponents of liver cleansing feel that these buildups lead to many of the health problems that people experience, such as fatigue, arthritis and joint pain, as well as other chronic diseases. The theory is that cleansing the liver with specific foods and beverages will clean these buildups from the liver, thus making us feel better.
Is Liver Cleansing Really Necessary?
According to Peter Pressman, M.D., an internal medicine specialist from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, the science behind the theory of the benefits of liver cleansing is deeply flawed. The body has its own method of removing toxins and waste products from the body: the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. There is no evidence that a detox diet aids the body in any way. Although people claim to feel better after a detox diet, these same "feel good" benefits can be achieved just by eliminating certain things from your diet and by eating healthier--which will, in the long run, be more beneficial to your entire body.
Types of Liver Cleansing Diets
There are several different types of liver cleansing diets; the most popular are the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet, the Fat Flush Diet, the Martha's Vineyard Diet and the raw food diet. You can make your own cleansing diet at home. A recipe for the Master Cleanse diet is listed below.
* 2 tbsp. organic lemon juice
* 2 tbsp. organic grade B maple syrup
* 1/10 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
* 10 oz. filtered waterThis is for one serving.
You need to drink 6-12 servings per day for 10 days.
As is recommended with any new diet, consult your doctor before beginning any type of detox; he is best able to determine if a liver cleanse will be beneficial to you. Do not use for more than a few days as the diet may cause health problems such as dehydration, mineral imbalances, and problems with your digestive system if you use it long-term. Do not use detox diets in children or seniors, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Use caution if you have certain medical conditions such as diabetes and heart problems, as these may be exacerbated with the use of detox diets.