Easy 7 Day Juice Detox
Before Starting the Detox
Before you start a juice detox, it is a good idea to wean yourself off certain substances to make the process less of a shock to your body. For instance, cut out caffeine, alcohol, dairy, refined sugar, meat and eggs prior to the detox. You can eliminate these things from your diet slowly over a week. Just make sure you have not ingested them for seven days prior to the start of the juice detox.
What to Expect on the Fast
Once you start a juice detox, you may feel hungry at first. Whenever you feel hunger pangs, take a sip of juice. Some of the best juices to drink while detoxing include kale, carrot, apple, spinach, beet, pineapple and celery. You may wish to stay away from citrus juices as they can be harsh on the stomach. Make sure to take in up to 64 oz. of juice each day, along with plenty of water. This should keep your stomach full, stave off feelings of hunger and keep you nourished. Headaches, digestive upset and fatigue are normal side effects of a juice detox. However, if you feel dizzy and ill, you should stop the fast immediately and seek medical advice.
Breaking the Fast
Following your seven-day juice detox, you will need to reintroduce food into your diet slowly so as to avoid side effects. On the eighth day of your detox plan, eat a few pieces of solid fruit and steamed vegetables. The next day, have a salad and rice. Introduce meat products back into your diet the next day, but you may wish to start with fish rather than heavier protein like beef. Breaking the fast is the perfect time to notice any adverse reactions to specific foods. As you reintroduce solid foods, note your reactions to them so you can modify your diet in the future.
Who Shouldn't Perform a Juice Detox
Not everyone can undergo a seven-day juice detox. These people include those with hypoglycemia, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, eating disorders, anemia, blood pressure problems, cancer, heart disease or asthma, as a detox can worsen your symptoms or cause serious negative effects. Don't start a juice detox program of any length without first consulting with your doctor.