Colonic Irrigation Alternatives

Colonic irrigation is the process of flushing the large intestines with water. It was first used by the Egyptians around 1500 B.C. People do colonics for a number of reasons: to lose weight, maintain their health and youthful appearance, fight yeast infections, eliminate toxins and battle chronic illnesses. One has several alternatives for colonic irrigation. Each method has its advantages, but some are more effective than others.
  1. Basic Enemas

    • Basic enemas are used to irrigate the lower part or descending section of the large intestines. They are primarily designed for relieving mild constipation. The bulb is much too small to carry any significant amount of water.

    Enemas with Douche Bag and Douche Can Attachments

    • Enemas with douche bag or douche can attachments can provide one with greater water capacity for colon irrigation. Douche bag attachments come in 1-, 2- and 4-liter bags. Douche cans usually go up to 2 liters. People can insert more water in the colon with these two attachments, but it is still only enough to reach the lower portion of the large intestines. Douche cans, if set at a higher elevation, are a bit more convenient, as gravity can automatically dispense the water. Both douche bags and cans have more capacity to flush out waste than basic enemas.

    Home Colonic Irrigation Units

    • There are two main types of home colonic irrigation units. One works more by gravity while the other uses a pump system. The gravity unit contains an elevated water dispenser and hose, along with a platform. One usually needs to prop the board up on a chair and the toilet. The chair needs to be at a slight incline to allow waste to drain into the toilet. The pump unit can be hooked up to the water supply under the sink.

      The pump unit was introduced to better replicate the water flow of the commercial units. The water flow is not interrupted as it is with the gravity unit. Each time one dispenses water with the gravity unit, the water flow has to be turned off. The user can also regulate the water temperature with the pump units. Higher temperatures can help kill off harmful parasites in the intestines. Varying the temperature during a session can open the ileocecal valve between the small and large intestines. This aids in the additional release of toxins. The pump unit can irrigate all three areas of the large intestines: descending, transverse and ascending.

    Commercial Colonic Irrigation

    • Commercial colonic irrigation units are self-contained units. The water supply, table and basin are all connected. These treatments are performed by a licensed colon hydrotherapist at her office. Unlike the home units, the commercial units have hoses for rinsing off. The basin also drains into a transparent tube so the user can view the waste contents. This is important, for example, because a yellow hue represents toxins. Yeast is usually white. Undigested food can also be seen through the tube. This can indicate that one is not properly chewing his food.

    Best Method for Colonic Irrigation

    • Commercial units are superior to any of the other colon irrigation units. However, sessions can run between $60 and $80. The patient usually has to do at least six treatments to reap the primary benefits. The greatest advantage of the commercial units is having a colon hydrotherapist available for consultation. People with chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases can benefit most from the commercial units.

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