Basic Colon Cleanser Detox
Using epsom salts in this way is a common way to clear the bowel for a more complex colon detox that might extend for several days or weeks.
How to Epsom Salts Safely
It's best to do this colon cleanse either at the beginning of the day when you plan to be at home all day, or at the end of the day. Plan ahead by reducing the amount of food you eat for about two to three days before you cleanse your colon.
Dissolve 2 to 4 tsp. of epsom salts in 8 oz. of water or very diluted orange juice (to cut the taste). Stay near a bathroom as the salts will produce a thorough emptying of the colon.
Stay Hydrated and Rest
It's important to not plan on going to work as nomal before undergoing even a basic colon cleanse. Everyone will have a different experience, but most people who use epsom salts do not want to be far from home, as they will have the urgency to have several bowel movements for the next six hours or so.
Hydrate with plain water that is not iced to keep your stomach calm. As you continue to cleanse, keep replacing the water you lose.
Take Probiotics to Replenish Stomach Flora
Every time you undergo a colon cleanse you also remove much of the stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid (HCl). Take probiotics such as acidophilus acidophilus or bifidus found as supplements or in yogurt made from live cultures.
If you are allergic to dairy, you can consume non-dairy, vegetarian supplements. Doing this will help ease the transition to eating solid foods the next day.