Recipe for a Colon Cleansing Enema
Enema Basics
An enema typically allows a liquid to flow through the anus with the intent of cleaning the colon. Enemas are typically better than laxatives as they do not have the side effects that laxatives can cause. Also, enemas do a better job of cleaning out the entire colon. Enemas typically can last from 15 minutes to one hour. The first time you have an enema may not always be the most successful as it takes time to get the liquid throughout the entire colon. Enemas are also beneficial in that there are many different types of enemas you can make. Two popular enemas are coffee enemas and saltwater enemas. These two enemas are the most popular because they are inexpensive and typically the ingredients are already in your home.
Coffee Enema
The coffee enema is practical and beneficial. The reason it is important is that it specifically targets the liver. When the caffeine in the coffee is released from the enema it goes to the liver, which causes it to increase more bile. This carries more toxins, which are then released. This allows the liver the ability to clean out more toxins. The recipe for the coffee enema is to boil 2 tbsp. of organic caffeinated coffee, ground with 1 qt. of water. Once the mixtures is at a warm temperature. Warm to the touch, you are ready for your enema.
Saltwater Enema
The saltwater enema is a common. Make sure you do not use iodized salt. Use unrefined sea salt. Sometimes during enemas the water can fill up the bladder and cause you to want to urinate during an enema. The salt remedies this. Add 1 tsp. of salt for 1 qt. of water. Make sure you use distilled water for your enema. You do not want to have the chlorine from the tap entering the colon. Lastly, if you are unsure of the procedure of receiving an enema please, contact your health care practitioner.