Fast Colon Cleansing
Why Perform a Colon Cleanse?
A colon cleanse can be performed by almost anyone, although it is recommended to get a doctor's OK first. Over the years, our bodies build up many pounds of waste in the colon, which can lead to many health problems. This includes headaches, tiredness, mental fatigue, acid reflux, stomach cramps, constipation and more. A colon with too much waste in it can also block the absorption of many important nutrients and vitamins. A colon cleanse is a simple yet effective way to get rid of years of toxins, and can even help shed a few pounds in the process.
Introduction to the Cleanse
It is best to prepare for a colon cleanse at least a few days before you begin the process. You can do this by cutting down or completely cutting out all the bad things that get put into your body. This includes substances such as caffeine, sugar, alcohol, tobacco and medication. While many people cannot quit certain medications or stop smoking, trying to cut back as much as possible will be better than nothing. Cut out fast foods, fatty foods and sweets.
While on the colon cleanse, it is important to keep these foods and substances at bay. They can severely hinder the outcome of your colon cleanse by adding more toxins into your colon as you are attempting to empty it.
What to Eat and Drink
Begin the cleanse on a day that you can relax at home, if at all possible. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 8 to 10 glasses. There are many different varieties of cleanses to be found, so do your research to find the one that is right for you. Some cleanses have you drink certain substances, such as the maple syrup and lemon cleanse. Other cleanses provide a ready-to-mix drink that promises to cleanse out the body. Juice and soup detoxes are also popular choices to perform a colon cleanse.
Choices revolve around detox drinks, fruits, vegetables, soup broth and juices. These should be eaten in moderation for the whole colon cleanse. Any fruit or vegetable can be eaten, either in its raw state, or by blending it or juicing it into shakes and drinks. Fiber supplements may also be taken to speed up the elimination process. As the toxins are released, you will begin to eliminate more from your body, until your colon is once again healthy.
What Happens to Your Body
While you are performing the colon cleanse, your body will begin to naturally eliminate all the toxins from your colon, mostly through defecation. All the pollutants, parasites and other bacteria that have been built up in the colon will be flushed from the body. Colon cleansing can cure constipation, help you lose weight and give your body a much needed boost of healthiness. Many people believe that frequent colon cleanses can improve their mental outlook, give them energy and help their overall attitude toward life.