Herbs to Detox the Skin & Body
Aloe Vera
The aloe vera plant is most recognized for its potent skin-healing abilities. The plant has antibacterial properties, making it an excellent choice in skin care and rejuvenation. When taken internally, aloe vera has been proven to be a powerful body cleanser and detoxifier. Aloe vera has a natural laxative effect on the body. Consuming eight ounces of aloe vera juice per day can tone the colon and release toxins stored in the liver. Aloe vera capsules can also be taken as needed for additional colon cleansing and overall detoxification.
Aloe Vera Liver Flush
Try drinking a liver flush cocktail containing aloe once per month. Combine 1/4 cup aloe vera juice, one teaspoon ginger root, 1/2 cup lemon juice, three tablespoons flax seed oil and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne in a blender, then drink immediately.
Fennel seeds, often used in seasoning, are a good source of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. This herb has also traditionally been used in colon cleansing and body detoxification, as well as many other ailments and health conditions. Fennel can be used to tonify the liver, spleen and intestinal tract. The seeds from this herb can expel toxins from the body by way of diuresis and diaphoresis, meaning the herb will increase urination and perspiration (two of the mechanisms used by the body to purge itself of toxins). Fennel can be found in capsule, tincture, powder and syrup form.
Fennel Seed Infusion
A fennel seed infusion can be made easily by steeping one teaspoon of muslin-covered organic fennel seeds in six ounces of boiling water for three to five minutes. Gently squeeze the muslin pouch containing the fennel seeds to release stronger flavor. Drink a cup of the fennel infusion three times per day for optimal cleansing and detoxification.
Ginger Root
Native to Asia, ginger root is rich in amino acids and vitamins C, B2 and B3. Ginger root perfectly complements most herbal detox plans due to its antiemetic, or anti-nausea, effect, but this herb is also abundant in other properties that make it useful individually for brief fasts and detoxes. Ginger root can promote the removal of toxins through the pores by way of perspiration. Ginger root also stimulates the intestines, kidneys and liver, promoting colon and kidney health and tonification.
Ginger Root Tea
Ginger root can be found in capsule, oil, tincture and tea forms. Make ginger root tea at home by steeping one to two teaspoons of dried organic ginger root in six ounces of boiling water. Drink two ounces of the tea three times daily in conjunction with a long-term herbal detox plan, or as part of a one- to three-day fast.