Colonic Irrigation Detox
A colonic irrigation detox (also called a colon hydrotherapy detox) is a method of ridding the body of toxins by flushing the large intestine with water. These toxins can come from your diet, polluted air, household chemicals, recreational drugs, antibiotics and many other sources. The toxins are absorbed by the mucus lining the intestinal walls and can remain in the body for years. If left untreated, they can, in severe cases, cause autoimmune diseases and even death. A colon irrigation detox is much more thorough than an enema. These treatments clean out the entire large intestine.-
Where To Go For Treatment
A colon irrigation detox is administered by a colon therapist. These therapists are licensed by the state and can usually be found under colon hydrotherapy in the yellow pages. Some have their own offices. Others share space with reflexologists, acupuncturists and even deep massage therapists. Make sure you visit several places before deciding on one. You will want to get the best price. Plus, make sure your colon therapist has plenty of cleaning supplies at the tables. They should also have a laundry facility for cleaning the sheets.
The Treatment
Several treatments are usually needed to rid the body of toxins. The number will depend on your history and the severity of your condition. The colon therapist may be present the entire time. If you like your privacy, you might want to choose one who doesn't stay with you during the procedure. Besides, it is not difficult to work the water and temperature controls. Most colonic irrigation systems are self-contained units that operate without interruption. All you need to do is lie there and let the water flush out your intestines. You may experience some pain, nausea or dizziness with these treatments. The symptoms will subside. Most people tend to feel better and have a higher energy level after a treatment.
Pros and Cons
People can have 30 to 40 pounds of fecal matter stuck to their intestinal walls. A colonic irrigation detox can flush out this toxin-containing matter and restore the proper absorption of nutrients. This process can also raise the ph level in the intestines and kill bad bacteria and other parasites.
The mainstream medical world is not yet ready to adopt this colon detox treatment. Doctors say that it can disrupt the natural flow of probiotics in the digestive system, and that disturbing the mucosal lining of the intestines can damage a person's health.