Tips for a Seven Day Total Body Cleanse
Constantine Hering, the "father of American homeopathy," taught that healing occurs from the top of the body to the bottom, and from the inside out. The total body cleanse follows this same principle, working first on the deepest organs to the most superficial, focusing on cleansing from the top of the body and working downward. For this cleanse you will need:
Echinacea capsules or tea and ginger essential oil (Lymph nodes)
Red clover blossom (Lungs)
Bromelain and cranberry (stomach/kidneys)
Milk thistle and lemon (liver and gallbladder)
Cascara sagrada and aloe vera (intestines/colon)
A clean, dry brush (skin)
Extra Vitamin C
Organic sesame massage oilThe day prior to beginning this fast, eat light, mostly fruits and vegetables. Before going to bed, take a dose (two to three capsules) of the cascara sagrada to stimulate the colon. For the next seven days, consume no solid foods. Drink mostly clear liquids (water or lemon water) and herbal teas.
Today's focus is the lymph nodes, located in the neck, throat and underarm region. Lymph is refined blood, and it has similar functions. In addition to carrying nutrients in the body, it is the sewage system for the blood, carrying away toxins. Because it does not use the heart to pump, this system relies on exercise or movement to move lymph throughout the body. Over time, toxic buildup in the lymph nodes can weaken the body's natural defenses.
To stimulate the lymphatic and immune systems, begin taking the echinacea capsules today. Take one or two capsules three times, spaced throughout the day. Use two to three drops of the ginger essential oil mixed with approximately one tablespoon of pure sesame or other pure carrier oil and massage into the neck, shoulders and underarm areas. Perform this two or three times this day. Drink as much water, lemon water and/or herbal tea as you can throughout the day. Incorporate a long walk once or twice this day to keep the lymphatic fluid moving.
Today's focus is the lungs, which transport oxygen into the bloodstream. Many of the toxins we inhale go right from our lungs into the blood. The bronchioles are lined with mucous to absorb many of these toxins, but over time the lungs can become congested, especially if we live in a highly polluted area, smoke or work in a toxic environment.
To keep the lungs healthy, do breathing exercises every day. One effective method is the yogic practice of kapalbhati. To perform kapalbhati, sit in a comfortable position. Close the eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. Then, inhale deeply through the nose, filling the stomach with air. Forcefully exhale, using the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to expel the air, then inhale quickly, filling the body with air again. Repeat with short, quick breaths. This pumping action, much like a billows, helps to clear the lungs and stimulate circulation. For the first exercise, try 20 repetitions, then work up to 40. After completing 2 or 3 sets, sit quietly for a moment, breathing deeply. Kapalbhati can cause a productive cough. If this happens, relax and allow the lungs to purge naturally.
Again, consume only clear liquids this day. Continue to take the echinacea, but now add one or two capsules of red clover blossom herb to nourish the respiratory system. Continue the ginger massage and long walks.
Today's focus is the stomach and kidneys. The stomach is not constantly filled with acid, as some assume, but remains empty until food or liquid is consumed. Fasting gives the stomach a break from the constant need to fill, acquire digestive enzymes, break down food and empty. This is the perfect opportunity to nourish the body with some extra digestive enzymes. Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme found in fresh pineapple. In addition to breaking down proteins, it is a natural anti-inflammatory.
The kidneys, which filter liquids, can become congested and toxic. Cranberry is a kidney cleanser. Continue to drink only clear liquids this day, and take the echinacea and red clover blossom, but add 1-2 capsules of cranberry as well as 1-2 capsules of bromelain to your regimen. Continue the ginger massage, breathing exercises and long walks.
The liver is the blood filter of the body; it tends to hold onto toxins and so is an important organ to cleanse regularly. The gallbladder produces bile and helps break down fats. Both organs become weakened through excess consumption of sugars, fats and other items that tax the digestive system. Milk thistle cleanses the blood and liver. Lemon also is cleansing and helps to stimulate bile production.
Continue the prior regimen from days 1 and 3, including one or two capsules of Echinacea, one or two capsules of red clover blossom, one or two capsules of cranberry as well as one or two capsules of bromelain; each taken three times a day. On this day, add 1 capsule of milk thistle, three times a day to this regimen. Feel free to space these out and take at different times throughout the day. Continue the ginger massage, deep breathing exercises and long walks. By this day, hunger will pass, but you should continue to drink water (preferably lemon water) throughout the day.
As the liver begins to purge itself of toxins, and the gallbladder is producing bile, begin a thorough cleansing of the intestines and colon. Continue the above herbal regimen, massage, breathing exercises and walking routine. Begin the day by drinking a glass of warm lemon water to stimulate elimination. If this produces no results, take a warm, plain-water enema. Repeat if necessary. Before going to bed, take two capsules of cascara sagrada to purge the colon. Make sure you drink plenty of water and plain herbal tea throughout the day. Aloe can be taken as a capsule, three times a day, or as a juice, one cup three times a day. Aloe juice is an emollient and soothes the digestive tract.
As the deeper-rooted toxins of the colon are released, you may experience certain side effects, including headaches, abdominal cramping, increased elimination and even mood swings. This "healing crisis" will subside by the end of the cleanse. Take it easy and get plenty of rest this day.
The skin is the body's largest organ. Like the liver, it acts as a filter. As toxins work their way from the inside of the body to the outside, you may notice acne or other minor eruptions on the skin. Continue the prior days' regimen today and drink extra water. Take several baths or showers, dry brushing the entire body before bathing. A clean, soft bristled brush should be used for this. Begin at the center of the body and brush the skin gently, away from the heart, working your way out toward the extremities. This exfoliates the skin and stimulates the lymphatic system further. After bathing, massage a small amount of sesame oil into the skin to lock in moisture.
Again, feel free to take the herbs at different times throughout the day, as long as you are taking a total of one or two capsules of Echinacea, one or two capsules of red clover blossom, one or two capsules of cranberry, one or two capsules of milk thistle, as well as one or two capsules of bromelain three times per day and two to three cups of aloe vera juice (as tolerated). Two capsules of cascara may be taken again before bedtime.
On this final day of the cleanse, drink only clear liquids, including the aloe vera juice. Continue the prior days' herbal regimen, massage, dry brushing and bathing, and take one or two long walks. Add 500 mg of Vitamin C three times a day; it nourishes the immune system and acts as a cleanser. Incorporate Vitamin C into your regular daily vitamin regimen.
Ease back into a "normal" diet, which should comprise fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and some lean proteins and natural oils. Continue to drink plenty of water, take Vitamin C, exercise daily and practice deep breathing. Even though you will begin eating this day, continue to take the herbal regimen for another seven to 10 days. This has been a challenging total body cleanse, so reward yourself with wholesome foods, fresh air and exercise, pure water and plenty of rest. Use this cleanse once or twice a year for optimal health. The best times are just after the winter and summer holidays.