A Whole Body Cleanse Without Senna
Why Cleanse?
There are many reasons to cleanse your body on a periodic basis. The primary reason, however, is to remove toxins from the body. A cleanse will clean out the body from all the toxins and harmful substances that have built up and will then flush them out of your system. A cleanse also works to literally clean out the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, glands and cells. It purifies your blood and makes you healthier. Most people following a cleanse will feel better, more energized and positive.
How to Cleanse
The most common cleanse used today is the master cleanse, which involves drinking a lemonade concoction for a minimum of 10 days. This mixture requires that you combine two tbsp. of lemon juice, two tbsp. of maple syrup, one-tenth tsp. of cayenne pepper and 8 oz. of water. You should drink about eight glasses of this mixture each day, along with water. In order to flush out your system, make a mixture of two tsp. of sea salt and a quart of water each evening. It may be hard to drink this entire mixture, but the important thing is that you take in most of it. You should stay near a bathroom after drinking this mixture, as it will cause numerous bowel movements.
What to Expect
When performing a whole body cleanse, you will likely feel a bit lethargic and uncomfortable for a few days. You may feel hungry and will suffer from diarrhea due to the cleansing. Other symptoms include nausea, headaches, mental fogginess and intestinal cramps. However, these symptoms should subside within a few days and you'll soon feel more energized and mentally clear. Completing a cleanse should prepare your body for a healthier lifestyle, so once you transition back to solid foods, try to avoid processed and fatty foods.