Tips on Body Cleansing at Home
Do not over do it
The first rule you should remember about body cleansing is that you should never over do it. If you're doing a master cleanse, like the lemonade diet, you shouldn't do it for more than 10 days. Trying to over-cleanse your body will result in negative effects and will do the opposite of what you want. Remember that a detox or whole-body cleansing program is not a diet. It is supposed to rid your body of toxins and buildup that is harmful to you. Follow the rules of your specific program and don't modify it in any way. Once you finish your detox, then you should move onto a healthy diet.
Maintain your newly cleansed body
The second thing to keep in mind is that body cleansing procedures aren't a one-time fix. Once you get your body cleansed, you're going to have to continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Your body can build up those nasty toxins just as fast as it got rid of them. Your number one priority when just finishing a detox program should be to create a healthy diet that will maintain your clean body. Everybody has specific needs, so ask your doctor about a diet that will work best for you. You should also incorporate some exercise into your life.
Don't give up
Expect to feel bad before you feel good. When you're going through a cleansing program, there are going to be side effects. Ridding your body of all of its toxins may cause you to feel weak or fatigued at some points, and headaches and fevers are also possible. But just because you feel bad doesn't mean you should stop. You shouldn't buy any type of medication to try to stop these symptoms, they're helping rid your body of built-up toxins.
Know what's good for you
Never ever, ever start a detox program without consulting a medical professional first. It's essential you know what, if any, problems are going on with your body. If you think you have ingested a large amount of harmful chemicals and toxins, tell your doctor, and he/she will recommend a specific program just for you. If your doctor find that you are suffereing from pain and fatigue from a serious illness, he/she may recommend another procedure other than a detox program.
Dieting during detox
There are plenty of healthy food that you can eat during your detox program that will help your body. Focus your meals around fruits, vegetables, rice, fish, oil, and herbal tea. A laxative tea is preferred to help clean your body during detox. It's also essential to try to drink eight glasses of water a day. This will help eliminate waste from the blood. It's not good to drink immediately before or after your meal however. Drinking before will get you full before you eat your meal, and drinking after will slow down digestion. You should also make sure that you chew your food thoroughly in order to promote proper digestion.
Exercise easy
If you're a workout fanatic, you may have to put the weights on hold during the cleansing process. Strenuous exercise will put lots of strain on your muscles, eventually pulling in more blood with higher level of toxins. This is obviously detrimental to a cleansing program that aims to rid your body of toxins.