High Colonic Home Procedures
In a hydrotherapy clinic, special machines are used to fill the large intestine with filtered water to cleanse the colon. In either scenario, the results are the same: The water prompts peristalsis and waste is removed from the colon through bowel movements.
Benefits of a Home Colonic
Just one professional colonic treatment may cost $100 to $120 at a hydrotherapy clinic. Home colonics are much cheaper and can be done anytime, using a colonic board or an enema bag. Generally, six to seven rounds of either procedure is equivalent to one professional colonic treatment.
A colonic board provides a platform to step on at the bottom of the board and the enema bag is tethered to the top end, making it easier to use for some people.
If you have a history of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut syndrome, eating disorders, diabetes, chronic constipation or a family history of diverticulosis or colon cancer, consult your doctor first. For most healthy individuals, an occasional colonic is not considered excessive. However, if you plan to use them daily as part of a broader detox program, it is best to be under the direct supervision of a licensed colonic therapist, nutritionist or a physician who specializes in integrated medicine.
Using Colonics at Home
Use new equipment only; colonic boards and enema bags can be ordered online or bought at a medical-supply store. Use filtered water only. If you want to use coffee made with filtered water, this liquid may help the liver and bowel cleanse more deeply.
Clean all the equipment by washing it in hot water and a teaspoon of bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Brew 12 cups of coffee, enough to provide two cups for six rounds. Let the coffee cool.
For each round, place two cups of coffee in the enema bag, and fill the remainder of the bag with filtered water.
If you're not using coffee, fill the bag with filtered water. Use the catheter to insert into the anus and either standing on the colonic board in the shower or simply standing in the shower, hold the enema bag above your head and allow the contents to empty into your colon. Remove the catheter and sit on the toilet to release the waste. Repeat for up to six rounds. Take probiotics such as lactobacillus acidophilus to encourage the presence of "friendly" bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.