A Home Remedy to Cleanse the Colon
Drink Plenty of Water
Water is a great way to clean the colon. By drinking plenty of fluids, the body is able to wash away debris, impurities and harmful materials. Water reaches all systems of the body and provides a total body cleanse. Water is also needed to perform important body processes and to keep the body's chemicals balanced. Water also stops constipation by making loose, watery stools. Having frequent bowel movements is the best way to eliminate fecal matter and clean the colon.
Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Another good way to encourage bowel movements is by eating more fruits and vegetables. These foods are high in fiber. Fiber is a substance that adds bulk to fecal matter, making stools large and soft so they can easily pass through the rectum. Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are best, but whole grains are also needed for a balanced diet.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is another way to stimulate the colon muscles. Any type of physical movement helps get the intestinal muscles moving. Walking, jogging, dancing and rowing are just a few of the aerobic exercises a person can benefit from. If you have access to a health club, exercise classes and exercise equipment can also help a colon cleanse.
Try a Fast
Fasting allows the body to clean and repair itself. The body is capable of healing itself, but there is a limited amount of energy available. When food is eaten, the body expends a lot of energy processing the food. But if no food is eaten for a few days, the body has the energy for self-cleaning. A fast can last one day or one month. Short fasts of a few days can be done at home, but month-long fasts need to be done at a medical facility. Most people can do a one- to four-day fast without any problems.