The Best Candida Cleanse
What Is Candida?
Candida, a member of a genus of yeasts, has many species that can be found living in most humans and animals. The species most often found in mammals is Candida albicans (or C. albicans). Candida is commensal, and typically lives in the gut with other flora and causes no particular harm. When there are particular changes in the environment, possibly an unbalanced situation between bacteria and yeast in the body, this will lead to the harmless single-celled candida into becoming multicellular and an invader. On the outside, this can manifest in several different ways, such as thrush, nailbed infections, skin and diaper rashes, and yeast infections. The overgrowth of this yeast is called candidiasis. Natural practitioners will often attribute candidiasis to causing many problems other than simply external infections.
The Candida Cleanse
Since candidasis is not recognized by most doctors as a disease, many cures are steeped in wild claims and have few scientific studies to back them up. The first step in a candida cleanse often consists of a one to two month colon cleanse. Some doctors see the act of a colon cleanse as unnecessary or even harmful, and it is recommended that you follow some steps for safety. Ensure that your colon-cleansing specialist is using disposable equipment. If you are getting an herbal cleanse, show a list of the specific herbal ingredients to your conventional medical doctor before beginning. Stay well hydrated during the cleanse by drinking lots of fluids. The next step can be to take an antifungal supplement for a few weeks like oregano oil, caprylic acid, or Threelac. The thing to keep in mind here is that you aren't completely killing the fungus, just restoring the natural balance between the bacteria and the fungus. Take recommended dosages at all times. Lastly, take a probiotic for a month to continue to restore the balance of fungus and bacteria. A few probiotics of note are Latero-Flora and Garden of Life's Primal Defense. If you began the cleanse as a result of certain symptoms you were experiencing, note your symptoms at the end of this third step. If they have decreased or disappeared, you may have restored balance, if they have changed less than you like, you can repeat the three steps.
The Anti-Candida Diet
During the cleanse, it is a good idea to follow an anti-candida diet. The theory goes that candida is fed by certain foods like sugar, and this will help to keep the candida alive while you are trying to restore balance. Some suggestions on this diet include to avoid all sugars, whether processed or refined (no exceptions), to not eat any processed food, pasta, whole grains, pasteurized milk, peanuts, and coffee. Foods that you are recommended to consume are grains like quinoa and teff, legumes, almond butter, seafood, almond milk, and low-starch vegetables. Though unproven by scientific studies, a combination of the candida cleanse and diet is likely to reduce the fungus content of your body.