Liver and Kidney Cleansing
Benefits of Liver and Kidney Cleansing
Liver and kidney cleansing is often pursued by people who feel tired and run down all the time, suffer from bad skin conditions such as acne or eczema, and those who want to get on a healthier eating routine. It can act as a "kick-off" point to a healthier lifestyle by "resetting" your body, so to speak. These cleanses work by removing unwanted toxins from the body and restoring bodily functions back to optimum capacity.
How to Use Liver and Kidney Cleansing Products
Most liver and kidney cleansing products involve maintaining an all-liquid diet for a given period of time and then performing periodic flushes using minute amounts of Epsom salts or sea salt. The liquid diet can consist of a variety of drinks from lemon juice to apple juice to grapefruit juice. In all cases, these cleansing products are taken orally according to a prescribed plan.
Who Should Avoid Liver or Kidney Cleansing
While liver and kidney cleansing is beneficial to a wide array of people, it is not recommended for everyone. For instance, anyone under the age of 16, the elderly or anyone currently sick with a cold or flu should not cleanse. Likewise, people who rely on prescription medications may not be liver and kidney cleansing candidates. Those with heart problems, diabetes or who have been diagnosed with any other disease should not perform a cleanse, and should instead consult with their doctor.