How To Detoxify the Body From Harmful Chemicals
Consume foods rich in antioxidants every day. Antioxidants act by enhancing your immune system to help your body flush out toxins from your cells. You can get the benefits of antioxidants from eating everyday fruits and vegetables such as prunes, bell peppers, raisins, broccoli and strawberries. You can also derive antioxidants from supplements such as vitamin C. Eat at least 2 cups of the above mentioned foods to help rid your body of toxins.
Consume soluble fiber to cleanse your colon. Soluble fibers, such as psyllium, dissolves easily in your digestive system. Psyllium forms a large gel in your colon that binds to waste substances and toxins and flushes them out of your system. You can find psyllium powders or capsules at your local drugstore.
Drink 2 liters of water every day. Drinking adequate water can help you flush out toxins and increase your metabolism while nourishing cells. Drink filtered or bottled water to avoid bad elements in tap water or public drinking fountains.
Exercise for thirty minutes or more daily. Exercise stimulates all your organs. It enhances blood circulation, stimulates your liver to flush out disease-causing toxins and promotes elimination through your kidneys, skin and digestive system.
Avoid any exposure to toxins such as cigarettes and their smoke, caffeine in drinks, and foods high in saturated fat. These harmful toxins can affect your detoxification methods. Also, try to reduce the use of chemical-based cleaners and personal care products such as toothpaste, shampoos and deodorants; instead opt for products with natural ingredients.