Colon-Cleansing Natural Foods
Fiber is found in whole, natural foods and is categorized as either soluble or insoluble. As food moves through the digestive track, enzymes break it down into nutrients that are absorbed into the body. Because fiber cannot be digested, it is eliminated as a waste product and benefits the body by acting as a "brush" in the intestinal tract, cleansing the colon as it moves through your system. A diet high in dietary fiber can also make you feel full faster, which can reduce your overall caloric intake.
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber breaks down in water and will change composition as it moves through the colon. Enzymes break down soluble fiber into a softer, gel-like substance that helps to slow digestion, allowing full absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Soluble fiber also helps prevent constipation, important for colon health. Natural foods that contain soluble fiber include beans, legumes and certain fruits and vegetables like apples, peaches and dried peas. Frozen or canned fruits will also provide fiber, but look for products that do not contain added sugars, sweeteners or other preservatives.
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fibers will pass through the body much as they went in. These include corn, carrots, brussels sprouts, beets and whole-grain foods, including wheat bran, barley and rice. The colon-cleansing benefits of insoluble fiber include reducing the chance of getting hemorrhoids and can help to regulate bowel movements.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables supports colon health by providing fiber as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The USDA recommends that adults consume at least two cups of fruit and vegetables every day. Incorporate these foods into your daily menu by adding fresh fruit or a tablespoon of wheat bran to your yogurt, cereal or smoothie in the morning, eating salads containing leafy greens for lunch and having at least one side dish of vegetables with your evening meal. Also consider replacing sugary desserts like cake and cookies with fresh fruit.
Whole Grains
Whole grains, such as brown rice, bulgar, whole wheat, oats, cornmeal and wheat bran are high in colon-cleansing fiber and are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. When shopping for breads, pastas and cereals, look for products that contain whole wheat in order to increase your intake of fiber.