Gallstone Cleanse
Why use a Gallstone Cleanse
A gallstone cleanse will clean the liver and the gallbladder of gallstones that are causing painful symptoms and improve the function of the body. Allergies may be cured as results of a gallstone cleanse and the liver will function in a more efficient manner. The gallstones collect in the ducts of the liver and gallbladder, preventing the distribution of bile by the liver. This prevents the liver from filtering toxins and bacteria from the body in a proper manner.
A cleanse cannot be advocated as a substitute for medical advice or surgery if your doctor determines that surgery is necessary. It will not cause any ill effects, however, and can be a way to remove gallstones without surgery and relieve the patient of gallstone symptoms.
It is important to have an accurate diagnosis of gallbladder disease or gallbladder attacks before trying a gallstone cleanse to remedy the symptoms.
Natural Gallstone Cleanse
Sufferers of gallstones and gallbladder attacks have found results using a natural gallstone cleanse at home. Olive oil and lemon juice is a natural remedy that can remove the gallstones from the body and eliminate the painful symptoms of gallbladder attacks. The lemon juice and olive oil remedy involves drinking a quarter cup of olive oil with two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice every 15 minutes until you have consumed a pint of olive oil. Fasting before the cleanse is recommended.
Most natural gallstone cleanse treatments involve the use of lemon juice and olive oil. A daily tonic of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic can be used daily to keep the liver and gallbladder clean of toxins and restore energy and vitality.When using a natural cleanse, you will have to check your waste for the presence of gallstones. Gallstones will float and will be greenish in color.
Visit the Doctor
Gallbladder attacks can mimic the symptoms of other conditions such as heart attack, pancreatitis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and hepatitis. Visiting the doctor for a diagnosis is necessary to rule out these other conditions. Let the doctor know of your intention to use a natural gallstone cleanse and discuss your options with the doctor. If you are frequently suffering from gallbladder attacks, the doctor may recommend removal of the gallbladder.
Laparoscopic surgery is used to remove the gallbladder. One night in the hospital to recover is all that is necessary from this type of surgery.
The doctor can also prescribe a non- surgical removal of gallstones using drugs. The drugs are administered orally and can take months to work. A new procedure that is still in the experimental stage uses drugs injected directly into the gallbladder to dissolve the gallstones.