Bowel Cleansing Liver Flush
Bowel Cleanse
A bowel cleanse should be the first detoxing program you do. According to Dr. Richard Schulze of the American Botanical Pharmacy, all of his patients were told to do a five-day bowel detox to start, regardless of what their ailment was. The reason is that your colon is the last channel in your body through which waste is stored, so if it is not functioning properly, a detox of any other organ will fail.
A five-day bowel cleanse involves taking colon cleansers with bulking fiber agents along with an herbal laxative designed to keep waste moving through your body. Avoid refined flour, processed foods, meats and dairy products while on the five-day program and instead eat whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink your body weight in ounces of water daily during the bowel cleanse as a means of keeping your colon active. The cleanse ends after five days, at which point you should be having bowel movements following every major meal that you eat.
Liver Flush
Begin the liver flush the day after the colon cleanse is complete. Ideally you should still eat light meals of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but you can add in organic lean cuts of chicken, and probiotics such as yogurt. For the three-day liver and gallbladder flush, drink one quart of organic unpasteurized apple juice (any kind with sediment on the bottom of the container) per day. Avoid alcohol and drugs, which both place a toxic load on your liver.
On the evening of the third day mix 8 ounces of organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with the juice of two fresh-squeezed lemons. Drink this concoction quickly, and immediately lay on your right side in the fetal position for at least one half-hour. Go to sleep while focusing on positive thoughts of healing and detoxing. The next day you should have diarrhea but you may find small black crystals or green flecks floating in the water. According to Juergen Buche in "Instructions for a Liver Detox," these represent precursors to gallstones, which sometimes float as green bile, and cholesterol from the liver binds with them.