About Cider Liver Cleansing

Apples, apple juice, apple cider and apple cider vinegar have all been linked to liver cleansing due to their numerous beneficial properties. You can do a liver cleanse by drinking organic apple cider or apple cider vinegar for a set number of days. According to the late nutritionist Paul Bragg, a proper cleanse to flush deposits from the liver requires fasting with apple juice and apple cider vinegar for one week prior to drinking 8 oz of olive oil.
  1. History

    • Apples have grown for thousands of years in temperate zones and gallstone deposits were almost nonexistent in people living in regions where apple cider was regularly consumed. Apple cider vinegar has been used since 400 BC when Hippocrates proposed drinking it in mixture for better health. Apple juice was linked to liver cleansing several decades ago as a means of softening deposits.


    • Apples contain a type of soluble fiber that aids the liver in binding cholesterol, and they also are high in nutrients, such as phosphorous, potassium and silicon. The organic unpasteurized versions of apple cider or apple juice (the ones with a solid residue on the bottom of the jug) help flush toxins out of the liver. According to the Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits website, apple cider vinegar contains enzymes and acids that promote general liver health.


    • Apple cider vinegar, apple juice and apple cider all contain acids that are beneficial for your liver. According to Susan Lev and Carol Lehr in "Your Body Can Talk, the Art and Application of Clinical Kinesiology," organic apple juice and fresh pressed apple cider flush toxins out of the liver. Both also contain malic acid, which dissolves and flattens gallstones in the liver. For this reason, apple cider is often used in conjunction with a liver cleanse designed to rid the body of gallstones.


    • Cleansing begins with drinking unpasteurized apple juice or fresh pressed apple cider for three days. If you are hypoglycemic, you can dilute the juice or eat something at the same time as you drink the cider. You can also extend the cleanse to seven days if you have gallbladder problems, as the procedure will lessen the size of the stones.

      Alternatively, you can drink a mixture of 2 oz of apple cider vinegar combined with 6 oz of water and 1 oz of honey every day for a week as a general cleanser. You can also drink unpasteurized apple juice for three days before doing a liver and gallbladder flush.


    • Do an extended apple cider cleanse or one that involves fasting or drinking oil only under the care of a medical professional. If you consume apple cider vinegar for extended periods of time without dilution it can wear through your tooth enamel. Avoid apple by-products that are pasteurized, processed or non organic while on a cleanse--these contain pesticides and processing chemicals that may increase the toxic load on your liver.

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