Detox the Body Naturally
How a Detox Helps
A natural detoxification process helps the body by aiding in its natural cleansing process. Fasting helps rest the organs, as it simultaneously stimulates the liver into driving out harmful toxins. Elimination is increased throughout the kidneys and intestines, and the blood circulates better. The body automatically starts to eliminate toxins that have been building up for years.
Many experts say that a person should detoxify her body at least once per year. With the added chemicals, preservatives and additives in the food of today, a detox can really be beneficial to one's overall health. A detox is suggested for patients who show symptoms, such as tiredness, slow bowel movements, allergies, a distended stomach and even allergies.
How to Detox
The most important factor for detoxing is to get rid of everything that is harmful to your body. This includes the elimination of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and cigars, sugars, caffeine and fat products in food. Many programs also suggest eliminating the use of chemical products found in most households, such as cleaners and even many personal toiletries. Substituting natural alternatives can help with the detox process.
It is also important during the detoxing process to try to eliminate all sources of stress from the mind. Many patients try out stress relievers, such as yoga and mediation to help relieve stress the natural way.
Tips for Detoxing
There are many natural ways to detox the body, through diet and lifestyle changes. Fiber is one of the best ways to help with elimination while detoxing the body. Fiber can be found in foods, such as brown rice, organic fruits and vegetables, seaweed and more. Vitamin C is an excellent vitamin that helps in the production of glutathione, which helps the liver get rid of toxins.
Two quarts of water should be consumed every day. One hour of exercise per day is also essential, for both a clean body and mind. Use a sauna or steam room so that the body perspires, resulting in the elimination of toxins. Natural herbs, including dandelion root, milk thistle and green tea, can also be consumed, which aid in the detox process.
Although a natural detox can be performed by most people, it is not recommended for those who are pregnant, nursing or who have serious health issues. If you are unsure of your condition, speak to a doctor before trying to detox.