Herbal Cleansing Cocktail
Herbal Colon Cleansing
The herbal cleansing cocktail should begin with effectively eliminating the built up waste in the colon. The colon is the part of the body that is the very last step on the digestion and processing of foods and nutrients in the body. Healthcare providers are beginning to recognize the effects of built up toxins in the colon and how they are responsible for many of the disorders of the human body. The colon should be the first step in a body cleanse. When a cleansing product is used without cleansing the colon first, the toxins that are impacted in the colon will be recycled right back into the body. Start off with a colon cleanse and then move on to products that cleanse the liver, lymph system or blood only when it is completed.
There are a number of tea products that can be used to clean the colon with herbs. These are ready to use right out of the package and will begin the process of eliminating toxins and parasites that are impacted in the colon.
Using an Herbal Cleansing Cocktail
There are also products available on the market that combine the benefits of several herbs in one product to get the best results. Herbs, such as aloe leaf, cayenne pepper, ginger, cascara sagrada and senna, are often used to cleanse the body and restore the body's ability to cleanse on its own. Pay attention to how your body reacts to these herbal remedies and with time, you will be able to determine the right amounts of herbs to use for your body.
Visiting an Herbalist
An herbalist will be able to help determine the correct herbal cleansing cocktail that is right for you. Some herbs can be dangerous when they are used in large quantities in an incorrect way. While the products that you find in the stores sold as herbal cleansing cocktails are perfectly safe, an herbalist can point you in the right direction for making these cocktails on your own.
High Fiber Diet
Along with an herbal cleansing cocktail, it is important to follow a high fiber diet and eat more raw fruits and vegetables to keep the colon and digestive system healthy. Eating a diet that is high in fiber will ensure that the colon remains clean and healthy for far longer after the cleansing treatment than it would if you returned to your pre-cleansing diet.