How to Detoxify the Body & Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Beans
- Green tea
- Pears
- Olive oil
- Grapefruit
Eat plenty of beans. Beans contain the potent enzyme cholecystokinin, which naturally suppresses your appetite while providing protein to your liver to help detox your body. Add beans to your meals daily, by adding them to a salad or as a side dish.
Drink green tea. This tea contains potent antioxidants that help speed up your metabolism to burn more fat while detoxifying your body by removing harmful free radicals. Drink one cup of green tea every day.
Eat pears. Pears have pectin fiber, which lowers your blood sugar, helping you stay full between meals and avoid snacking. Pears also help your digestive system eliminate toxins more efficiently. Eat two pears daily.
Add olive oil to your food. Olive oil contains healthy monounsaturated fat, which lowers triglycerides and low density lipoprotein (the bad cholesterol). Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants that help flush out toxins and free radicals. Add olive oil to your diet every day.
Eat plenty of grapefruit. This fruit contains a high amount of phytochemicals that prevent your body from converting calories to fat. It also aids your liver and kidneys to eliminate disease-causing toxins. Eat one grapefruit daily.