How to Detox With Russian Kombucha Tea
Things You'll Need
- 4 black or green tea bags
- 1 cup sugar or evaporated cane juice
- A scoby, a culture of bacteria and yeast that resembles a mushroom and can be purchased online at
- Clear glass bowls or jars
- Paper towel or thin white cotton cloth
- Rubber band
Figure out the correct amount of kombucha tea to drink for your body size. Many people start with two ounces a day and build up to a cup or more per day. If you're drinking too much kombucha, you may detox too quickly and experience headaches, nausea, lethargy or loose bowel movements. If any of those symptoms occur, simply decrease your intake of kombucha. Consult your doctor before drinking kombucha if you are taking any drugs or hormone replacement therapy, because kombucha may have interactions with them.
Buy bottled Russian kombucha at a health food store, or brew your own as long as you follow the instructions exactly. Bring three quarts of water to a boil and remove from heat. Add one cup of sugar or evaporated cane juice and steep with four bags of black or green tea. Cool tea and transfer to a clean, clear glass bowl or jar. On the top of the tea lay the scoby, a culture of bacteria and yeast that resembles a mushroom. Cover the bowl with a paper towel or thin white cotton cloth and use a rubber band to secure it around the neck. Set aside in a warm, dim, ventilated spot for seven to ten days. The drink's acidity level usually reaches its peak on the eighth day. Remove the scoby and strain the liquid. Store the resulting kombucha in tightly covered glass jars in the refrigerator. It will continue to sour over time but can be stored for many weeks.
Drink Russian kombucha cold or at room temperature. Heating it destroys some of its health properties. For sweeter tea, brew it for the shorter amount of time, seven days. Kombucha has a natural carbonation that increases with brew time, so let it go ten days if you like it bubbly. Kombucha can be flavored with most anything from jasmine to elderberry pomegranate.
Remember to stay hydrated if you are planning a detox program. Also get plenty of exercise to help you sweat out the toxins.