Colon Hydrotherapy Detox
Detoxification occurs when waste is removed through bowel movements that are prompted by the water. It can be done at home with an enema kit that is available at drug stores, medical supply stores or online.
If you have a history of chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome or colon cancer, see your doctor first.
Use enemas for colon hydrotherapy detox
Sterilize the enema bag and tubing by rinsing it several times with hot water and bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Boil filtered water: six cups for six rounds is a good start. Combine two cups room temperature water with hot water that has cooled and pour into enema bag. Use the enema by inserting the tip into the anus and empty the contents into the colon. Sit on the toilet to release waste. Repeat for six rounds.
How often to do it
Some people do colonic irrigation three times a year at the spring, summer and winter solstice as a regular practice to clear waste before each new season. Others do colonics once a week, once a month or only if they feel that they are constipated or not digesting fully. If you are new to colonics, start with one every three months if you are healthy. If you experience chronic constipation, see your doctor to be certain you don't have a more serious issue.
Safeguards and Cautions
Remember to always use filtered or distilled water to be certain water-borne parasites, such as giardia and others, are not introduced into your body. Use a water filter to remove heavy metals such as methyl mercury or fluoride that is present in tap water. Water filters can be purchased from health food stores or online and attach directly to the kitchen faucet. Keep your detoxification tools squeaky clean: use diluted bleach or hydrogen peroxide to clean and allow them to air dry. Take probiotics such as acidophilus lactobacillus or eat yogurt with the same live cultures to feed beneficial bacteria in the gut after each colonic treatment.