About Natural Body Cleanse Detox
Detoxifying or cleaning the body is simply a way to remove the accumulated waste that is in the body. The toxins enter the body from polluted air, contaminated water and chemical-laden foods. People are exposed to all these unhealthy substances each day. The removal of this debris is a very important part detoxification.
Types of Detoxification
Cleaning the body naturally involves eating better and exercising more. Improving your lifestyle by eliminating cigarettes, excessive alcohol use and recreational drugs will greatly improve your overall health. Herbal remedies are also popular ways to clean out the colon, kidneys and liver--all organs that help in removing wastes and toxins from the body.
Better Diet
Drinking lots of water each day helps to flush wastes from the body and facilitates bowel movements. Eating more fiber also helps to create large, loose stools. Ridding the body of fecal matter is one of the many components of body cleansing. Herbal colon cleaners can also help but it is better to add more whole grains, fruits and vegetables to the diet. Eating organic food also helps the cleaning process. Organic foods contain fewer toxins like insecticides.
Losing Weight and More Exercise
The body retains toxins in the fatty cells throughout the body. Losing weight can reduce the fat and the amount of toxins in the cells and tissues. Exercising is an excellent way to burn fat. Actually any type of physical activity from yoga to walking helps to improve health. Exercising helps with cleansing the body in another way. By getting the muscles moving through the body, the intestinal muscles are kept active and this helps to bring about bowel movements, which eliminates harmful wastes.
One natural way to detoxify the entire body is to go on a fast. A fast takes many forms. For some people no food is eaten, and water is the only thing that is consumed. With other fasts, fruit and/or vegetable juices are allowed. In other types of fasts, broths are possible. These fasts give a body a chance to self-cleanse by greatly reducing the activity of the digestive system. With less energy spent on digestion, the body uses the surplus energy to clean itself. Fasts can last one day every week or a two- or three-day fast. People in relatively good health can go on a short fast. But longer fasts should be discussed with a doctor. There are also medical clinics that supervise month long fasts.