Body Detox with Fruit
If you are looking for a way to detoxify your body, but you know you will never last through several days of fasting, a fruit detox diet may be right for you. Unlike traditional detox diets and cleanses, a fruit detox diet provides the flexibility to consume a variety of flavors and textures as well as the opportunity to eat until you feel full. Believed to flush out harmful toxins and help kick-start weight loss, a fruit detox is one of the more pleasant methods to cleanse your intestinal system.-
Begin a Fruit Detox
Unless you are following a specific plan, the only instructions are to drink plenty of water and to consume as much fresh, preferably organic, fruit or fruit juice as possible for the duration of your fruit detox. If you are unable to buy fresh fruit or make your own fruit juice, you can substitute organic sugar-free juices. For a well-balanced fruit detox incorporate both acidic citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, pineapples and oranges as well as fiber-rich fruits, such as apples, bananas and berries.
Citrus fruits are common ingredients in detox and cleansing diets and they are also good sources of vitamin C. Fiber-rich fruits will help satisfy your hunger and make you feel full.
A fruit detox is generally conducted during a two- to three-day period, and you should limit your physical activity during that time.
After the Fruit Detox
Once you have ended the fruit detox, remember to introduce other foods back into your diet slowly. Consider limiting your intake to soup, vegetables, fruits, yogurt and salads for one or two days before you resume your regular eating habits.