Natural Nicotine Cleansing
St. John's Wort
St. John's wort, or hypericum, contains properties that are used to treat anxiety, digestive disorders, depression as well as an herbal remedy to quit smoking. One of the main active ingredients within this herb is hypericin, which has been researched for its qualities to enhance mood and outlook. Since nicotine withdrawal can cause severe depression, anxiety and restlessness, St. John's wort is an effective herb that stimulates the same nerves within the brain to counter-balance withdrawal symptoms.
Dosage requirements will vary depending on the strength and potency of the herb. Follow the recommended dosage instructions on the label to ensure overdosing does not occur as this can have serious side-effects. If you are on any medications, discuss the use of St. John's wort with your physician to ensure it safety.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract comes directly from the seeds of this fruit. The active ingredients within grape seed extract include a high concentration of vitamin E, procyanidins and flavonoids. These nutrients contain a large number of antioxidants, which fight to clear free radicals from the body. Even though free radicals occur naturally, smoking causes an exponential increase in the amount of these harmful compounds. By introducing grape seed extract into the body, the damage and potential harm of these free radicals is reduced.
Grape seed extract is available in three forms: tablet, capsule or in a liquid base. While no one form has exponential benefits, ensure that the extract contains at least 75% proanthocyanidins. Most herbal shops will carry the proper formulation of extract, but check the label to ensure maximum potency.
During the first week of nicotine cleansing, consume 150 milligrams of grape seed extract in either pill or liquid form three times per day with eight ounces of water. After seven days, continue to take three times per day, but lower the dosage to 100 milligrams.